In any case, this all just feels right, right now.
But how, you may ask (or not ask, that’s okay, too), did I come up with the blog’s name?
Well, I’m a working journalist, editor and foodie, but for those who may not know all of the crazy hats I’ve worn in my life, I was also once a professional circus clown… one of the few “girl clowns” in the United States. And nothing amateur, either: I’m a proud graduate of the famed Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Clown College (which, sadly, is no more).
Nope, I no longer put on the greasepaint, sequined costume and jumbo shoes, but I’m still a clown at heart. Indeed, my ratty circus trunk—complete with worn lunchbox stuffed with makeup; peacock feathers (great for balancing on a perky red nose), and LaCrosse balls (both the perfect size and weight for juggling) still holds a valued spot in my garage.
What about the dancing part? Well, I really do try to live by this wonderful quote from the late, great ball player Satchel Paige… “Work like you don’t need the money. Love like you’ve never been hurt. Dance like nobody’s watching.”
So once again, welcome to my dance!